The Urban Development Programme
Le Projet d’Aménagement Urbain (PAU-LP)
The first funds of AFD, trough the PAU-LP, allowed to strengthen the Heritage House (MDP), improving its operational means, bringing technical support, and giving concrete expression to protection and enhancement of heritage with an action program.
The project’s first objective was to finalize and implement a plan to protect and develop the site, in order to control the city’s future development.
To complete the training program initiated by the Decentralized Co-operation Program existing between the cities of Chinon and Luang Prabang through the restoration of the Wooden House in Ban Xieng Mouane and the Former Customs House, training work site to restore the Vat Pafang was created.
To prove that infrastructure could be improved without spoiling the site’s heritage, exhibits for the construction of infrastructure have been established.
One cannot expect to protect a site without the active collaboration of its inhabitants. To explore this possibility special intervention funds were created, allowing a compensation to the population in return for the respect of the strict regulations protecting the town’s heritage. These funds of intervention and the demonstration work sites fostered the production of baked clay materials in Luang Prabang.
At least, the PAU – LP has led to studies that have allowed to define the MDP status and to draw up a second project: the Development of the Heritage Protection Area of Luang Prabang (Projet d’Aménagement du Secteur Sauvegardé de Luang Prabang – PASS-LP), which is also backed by AFD.
1.800.000 euros
French Development Agency (AFD)
Training work site to restore the Vat Pafang
Street work site of Ban Vat Sène