Strategy and Priority programe

For preservation


For the sustainable management of heritage preservation, the Luang Prabang authorities outlined a strategy:

  1. Maintain Luang Prabang as a world heritage city.
  2. Promote Luang Prabang as a natural, historical, cultural and tourist center.
  3. Improve Luang Prabang into a refreshing, attractive “City Park” in a quality environment.
  4. Establish in Luang Prabang a Research Centre on the outstanding value of Lao culture.

Priority programe


  1. Preservation and enhancement of the outstanding value of Lao
  2. Infrastructure planning and development.
  3. Management of tourism.
  4. Construction management.
  5. Management of urban transportation.
  6. Promotion of Lao traditional crafts.
  7. Management of urban environment.
  8. Awareness raising among local communities, domestic and foreign investors on the outstanding value of Luang Prabang’s heritage.
  9. Production of magazines, brochures, posters, CDs, and information on Luang Prabang’s heritage.
  10. Cooperation with relevant ministries, countries and international organizations, to benefit from experiences in the management of heritage and to obtain financial support, in accordance with the laws of Laos.
Luang Prabang World Heritage Office