Strategy and Priority programe
For preservation
For the sustainable management of heritage preservation, the Luang Prabang authorities outlined a strategy:
- Maintain Luang Prabang as a world heritage city.
- Promote Luang Prabang as a natural, historical, cultural and tourist center.
- Improve Luang Prabang into a refreshing, attractive “City Park” in a quality environment.
- Establish in Luang Prabang a Research Centre on the outstanding value of Lao culture.
Priority programe
- Preservation and enhancement of the outstanding value of Lao
- Infrastructure planning and development.
- Management of tourism.
- Construction management.
- Management of urban transportation.
- Promotion of Lao traditional crafts.
- Management of urban environment.
- Awareness raising among local communities, domestic and foreign investors on the outstanding value of Luang Prabang’s heritage.
- Production of magazines, brochures, posters, CDs, and information on Luang Prabang’s heritage.
- Cooperation with relevant ministries, countries and international organizations, to benefit from experiences in the management of heritage and to obtain financial support, in accordance with the laws of Laos.