PSMV Regulation

Heritage Preservation and Development Master Plan

Faced with a society in full evolution and threatened with acculturation, it had become essential to promote architecture really in line with the lifestyles of the Luang Prabang inhabitants and to allow an urban development respectful of all the spatial models present in the city.

If the city already has several legislative and regulatory instruments to implement the protection of its heritage, it was necessary to put in place a tool more adapted to the specificities of the site.

The PSMV is, therefore, an urban planning document that governs all private or public spaces of historical, aesthetic or conservation interest. It allows:

  • An accurate analysis of the places
  • Undertaking restoration work capable of encouraging the re-appropriation of know-how
  • To assist the inhabitants (architectural and technical)

The protected area of PSMV

Regulation ZPP_Ua

The Heritage Preservation and Development Master Plan (P.S.M.V) is established in the Heritage
Protection Zone (ZPP). This PSMV applies to different areas and notably to ZPP-Ua established on the
peninsula and in those villages where the density of monumental and vernacular heritage is the highest.
This revision of the Urban Regulation concerns the drawing of the perimeter and regulatory provisions
relating specifically to the ZPP-Ua.


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Regulation ZPP_M

The ZPP-M is constituted with land plots included in the
enclosure of monasteries;
These zones are identified in the Plan of the heritage Protection
Zone (ZPP).

However they will be
extended according to land acquisition which each monastery
might acquire.
Properties of monasteries outside their enclosures are
submitted to rules of the zone where they are situated.
ZPP-M is constituted with all monasteries of Luang Prabang
district, located or not in the Heritage Protection Zone (Z.P.P);


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Regulation ZPP_Ub

The ZPP-Ub is a residential zone where equipment, commerce and service activities can be found along
principal roads and some secondary roads.
The goal of the Heritage Preservation and Development Master Plan is to accompany evolution of this part of
the town for its harmonious development by improving its heritage buildings.


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Regulation ZPP_N

Revision of Regulatory Urban: The Heritage Preservation and Development Master Plan (P.S.M.V) is
established in the Heritage Protection Zone (ZPP). This PSMV applies to different areas and notably to ZPPN.
This revision of the Urban Regulation concerns the drawing of perimeter and regulatory provisions relating
specifically to the ZPP-N.


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