Committee for Luang Prabang World Heritage

To preserve and highlight the natural and cultural heritage of the city of Luang Prabang and control its development, in 1996 the central Government established a National Committee for the management of the National Heritage and the Province of Luang Prabang set up a local Committee for the management of the city and its development.

National Committee for World Heritage

Role and functions:

  • Guiding the implementation of the National Heritage Management of the Lao PDR, which has been certified as a World Heritage Site.
  • Supervise the preparation of national cultural heritage (both material and non-object), national and historic. To be presented to UNESCO for consideration.
  • Coordinate, coordinate, and facilitate cooperation.
  • Considering the appointment of personnel and the secretariat as appropriate.

Ms. Suanesavanh Vignaket

Chairman of the National Committee for World Heritage

Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism

Local committee for world heritage

Role and functions:

 Protect, and preserve the world’s cultural, natural, and historical heritage in the world heritage area and the surrounding area.

  • Push up the account and propose full approval.
  • Issue necessary agreements, regulations, and regulations to protect heritage.
  • Educate people, and solve problems and conflicts that arise.
  • Research, use, and find funding for the activities of heritage protection work.
  • Coordinate with the National Commission for World Heritage to manage World Heritage, Nature, and Historical Heritage.
  • Coordinate and cooperate with UNESCO, international organizations, and other countries to assist in protecting heritage.

Bounleuam MANIVONG

 Chairman of the Local Committee for World Heritage

 Deputy Governor of Luang Prabang Province